
Francesco Bassano the Younger


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Francesco Bassano the Younger

Estimated price: € 8.000 / 16.000
USD: 8.688 / 17.376 $GBP: 6.749 / 13.498 £
Starting price:  4.000
  • USD: 4.344 €
  • GBP: 3.374 €
  • USD: 4.344 $
  • GBP: 3.374 £
USD: 4.344 $GBP: 3.374 £

Additional information



Francesco Bassano the Younger

Francesco Bassano the Younger
Bassano del Grappa 1549 – 1592 Venice
Market in Venice during Carnival
Oil on original canvas
140.5 x 185.5 cm, with frame 182.5 x 207.5 cm
Signed lower right

Francesco Bassano the Younger was an Italian painter from the famous Bassano family of artists. He was born in Bassano del Grappa and was the eldest son of Jacopo Bassano, a leading figure of the Venetian Renaissance. Francesco was trained in his father’s workshop, where he developed his painting skills and adopted his father’s penchant for vivid colours and dynamic compositions. The Bassano family was known for their innovative approach to genre scenes and their masterful use of light and shadow, which Francesco skilfully continued.

Francesco’s works are characterised by their vibrant energy and meticulous attention to detail. He frequently depicted religious subjects, pastoral scenes and lively market scenes, capturing the essence of everyday life with a keen observational eye. His paintings reflect a seamless blend of his father’s influence and his own unique style, making him a significant figure of the late Renaissance.

This painting captures the bustling and chaotic atmosphere of a market in Venice during the carnival season. The detailed composition reflects the lively atmosphere of the Venetian carnival. In the right foreground, a food vendor is busy attending to her customers, offering the viewer a grounded point of entry. The range of goods on offer immediately attracts the viewer’s attention and sets the energetic tone of the scene. In the centre foreground, a masked woman accompanied by a musician and a servant with a dog strides to the left. The masked woman, symbolising the carnival, lends the scene an air of mystery and festivity. The musician and the servant with their respective instruments and pets also contribute to the lively and varied character of the scene. From the left, a bearded man is seen running to the right, possibly in pursuit of something or someone, adding a sense of urgency and movement to the painting. This dynamically gesticulating figure contrasts with the calmly striding lady.

In the background, the square is filled with people going about their various activities. The windows of the houses are also full of onlookers, emphasising the communal nature of the event. An ox appears in the midst of the crowd, symbolising the diversity of the market and the mingling of the different facets of life. The bright colours of the figures’ clothing, especially the vibrant reds, stand out against the dark blue cloudy sky and the darker tones of the architecture and ground. This contrast creates a dramatic visual effect that emphasises the festive and somewhat disorderly character of the scene. The viewer is drawn into the vibrant life and festivities.


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