
Top auction results

of the past auctions

Pissarro - Top Ergebnisse

Camille Pissarro, Charlotte Amalie 1830 – 1903 Paris, Paysage à la Varenne-Saint-Hilaire
Realized price € 76.200,00

Joseph Karl Stieler, Mainz 1781 – 1858 Munich
Realized price € 53.000,00

View plate with veduta of the city of Linz, Sèvres porcelain, 1811
Realized price € 48.000,00

Museum sculpture of a standing St. Ursula, Westphalia/Cologne ca. 1330
Realized price € 44.200,00

Hans Zatzka, Vienna 1859 – 1945 Vienna
Realized price € 39.200,00

Jan Borman I or II Circumference, Masterly Sculpture
Realized price € 21.500,00

Zsolnay Teller - Top Zuschlag

Plate, Zsolnay, Pécs, c. 1900
Realized price € 10.100,00

Royal Hungarian Order of St. Stephen, founded in 1764, Knight’s Cross with triangular ribbon, C. F. Rothe Neffe
Realized price € 23.495,00

Chest of drawers, attributed to Giuseppe Maggiolini, Lombardy, around 1770
Realized price € 17.780,00

Gift to Tsar Nicholas II, made by Pavel Ovchinnikov, museum presentation cup, Moscow 1898
Realized price € 25.400,00

Budai with children, China, Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644
Realized price € 35.560,00

St. Sebastian, 1513, Jörg Lederer
Realized price € 19.050,00

A highly significant unique colonnade clock in the style of Peter Carl Fabergé, St. Petersburg 1846 – 1920 Switzerland
Realized price € 27.940,00

Girolamo Forabosco, Venice 1605 – 1679 Padua, attributed to Girolamo Forabosco, Portrait of a Noblewoman
Realized price € 50.800,00

Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, Montargis 1767 – 1824 Paris
Realized price € 26.670,00

Icon with oklad, Christ with God the Father the Apostles
Realized price € 25.400,00


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