

16th Tiberius Auction


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Starting price:  400

  • USD: 436 €
  • GBP: 336 €
  • USD: 436 $
  • GBP: 336 £
USD: 436 $GBP: 336 £

Estimated price: € 800 / 1.600

USD: 871 / 1.742 $GBP: 672 / 1.343 £
Remaining time online order submission:
Bidding overview
End of online bidding:
27.03.2025, 15:00
Start of live auction:
28.03.2025, 15:00, Register to bid LIVE
Additional costs:
Buyer's premium 27% / Online fee 3%

Additional information



Around 1900
Provenance: From the estate of Heinrich Harrer
57.5 x 41.5 cm, with frame 61 x 44.5 cm

This magnificent thangka belongs to the rich tradition of Buddhist scroll paintings, which served both as meditation aids and as ritual objects. Thangkas are of great religious significance and were often kept in temples or private shrines. They show depictions of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and protective deities, which serve as visual support for the believer on the path to enlightenment.
In the center of this composition, Buddha, radiant and surrounded by a mandorla, is enthroned in meditative tranquility. He is flanked by four other deities, possibly symbolizing protective figures or aspects of the Buddha’s existence. The fine lines, bright colors and golden accents testify to spiritual depth.
This thangka comes from the estate of Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006), a famous Austrian mountaineer, explorer and writer who became known worldwide for his book “Seven Years in Tibet”. Harrer lived in Tibet from 1944 to 1951 and maintained close contact with the young Dalai Lama. His collection includes numerous Tibetan works of art that reflect his deep interest in the culture and history of the country.
This thangka is therefore not only an important testimony to the Tibetan painting tradition, but also an object with a fascinating provenance that illustrates the cultural encounter between East and West in the 20th century.


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