Late Gothic panel painting
16th Tiberius Auction
Starting price:
€ 2.800
Estimated price: € 4.000 / 8.000
from | to | bid increment |
0 € | 99 € | 5 € |
100 € | 199 € | 10 € |
200 € | 399 € | 20 € |
400 € | 999 € | 50 € |
1.000 € | 1.999 € | 100 € |
2.000 € | 3.999 € | 200 € |
4.000 € | 9.999 € | 500 € |
10.000 € | 19.999 € | 1.000 € |
20.000 € | 39.999 € | 2.000 € |
40.000 € | ∞ | 5.000 € |
Late Gothic panel painting
German Master
Around 1500/1520
Maria Lactans
Oil on wood (spruce?)
95 x 56.5, with frame 106 x 65 cm
This painting shows a detailed genre scene in a late Gothic interior. In the foreground, a tender moment of motherhood is depicted in which a mother lovingly cares for her child by breastfeeding it and tending to its needs. Behind her, a maid kneels on a red cushion, seemingly ready to wrap the child in a fresh cloth. The cradle next to the maid emphasizes the domestic setting; the little boy in front of her is sitting on the floor, playing intently with a hand brush. A water jug and a bowl are strategically placed in the background, symbolizing everyday domestic rituals, while the stove and surrounding tools allude to the warmth of domestic life.
The space is elongated in perspective, with architectural features carefully emphasized to create spatial depth. To the right is a large four-poster bed, its red covers and curtains adding a vibrant touch to the interior and matching the mother’s clothing. The composition creates a balanced, intimate space where familial warmth and everyday life meet.
This genre scene could have symbolic links to the biblical narrative, in particular the motif of Maria lactans – the Virgin Mary breastfeeding the Christ child. This common theme, reflecting maternal tenderness and divine care, is often associated with depictions of St. Anne, the mother of Mary, who is sometimes depicted in the background nursing the Virgin as a child. The present painting, with its tender depiction of motherhood, is reminiscent of this biblical image, with mother and child at the center of the composition. The boy playing with the hand broom could be interpreted either as the woman’s son or as a servant, which reinforces the domestic, caring atmosphere.
In the context of Christian iconography, the theme of “Maria lactans” is deeply symbolic. It emphasizes the divine aspect of motherhood, with the Virgin Mary symbolizing both the nourishment of the child and the spiritual nourishment that Christ gives to humanity through breastfeeding. The domestic setting of the scene reinforces the contrast between the sacred and the mundane, with the sanctity of the Virgin Mary’s breastfeeding being relocated to the intimate, familiar space of a home. This connection underscores the divine nature of Christ’s early life and the importance of maternal love and care, symbolizing a connection between the holy family and the viewer’s own familial experiences.
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