
Johann Friedrich Penther (1693-1749)

16th Tiberius Auction

Johann Friedrich Penther (1693-1749)

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Starting price:  300

  • USD: 326 €
  • GBP: 252 €
  • USD: 326 $
  • GBP: 252 £
USD: 326 $GBP: 252 £

Estimated price: € 500 / 1.000

USD: 544 / 1.088 $GBP: 420 / 840 £
Remaining time online order submission:
Bidding overview
End of online bidding:
27.03.2025, 15:00
Start of live auction:
28.03.2025, 15:00, Register to bid LIVE
Additional costs:
Buyer's premium 27% / Online fee 3%

Additional information



Johann Friedrich Penther (1693-1749)
Gnomonica fundamentalis & mechanica: in which it is shown how to make all kinds of sundials both thoroughly and mechanically … should be made
15 fold-out pages
Published by Jeremias Wolff
Printed by Christoph Peter Detleffsen
Augsburg 1752
Leather binding 34.5 x 23 cm
Some pages of folding pages missing, very good condition due to age, somewhat stained and rubbed


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