
Albert Scharning

16th Tiberius Auction

Albert Scharning

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Starting price:  40

  • USD: 43 €
  • GBP: 34 €
  • USD: 43 $
  • GBP: 34 £
USD: 43 $GBP: 34 £

Estimated price: € 100 / 200

USD: 108 / 217 $GBP: 84 / 168 £
Remaining time online order submission:
Bidding overview
End of online bidding:
27.03.2025, 15:00
Start of live auction:
28.03.2025, 15:00, Register to bid LIVE
Additional costs:
Buyer's premium 27% / Online fee 3%

Additional information



Albert Scharning
1875 – 1950
Silver marked (on the clasp)
Decorative enamel plaques
Length 17.9 cm, width 1.3 cm
Marked “Scharning Norway Sterling”

Albert T. Scharning was a jewelry designer from Oslo, Norway, who worked in the mid-20th century. His pieces are known for their well-designed craftsmanship. His unique style reflected the fashion of the 1930s to 1940s. Scharning’s designs often incorporated enamel, a glass-like material fused onto metal, reflecting the trends in textiles and jewelry from the period.


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