
Tiberius Auctions

The auction house in Vienna in the heart of Europe

TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS is the online auction house in Vienna. Just a stone’s throw from the imperial Schönbrunn Palace, you will find a rich selection of artworks and antiques from all periods of history in an upscale setting. Quality before quantity is our credo. Several times a year art auctions are held in our auction house. Our offer ranges from paintings of the Old Masters, the 19th century and the great painters of Classical Modernism to notable contemporaries. Sculptures from antiquity, through the Gothic and Renaissance to the sculptors of the 19. & 20th century, exquisite antiques & Kunstkammer objects complete our diverse offer.


March 28/29, 2025, 3:00 p.m.


March 24 – 27, 2025

16th Tiberius Auction


At our major spring auctions on March 28 and 29, 2025, starting at 3:00 p.m. each day, you can once again look forward to outstanding and exciting works of art from many periods of art history.

1300 lots: paintings, sculptures, art nouveau, glass, porcelain, silver, furniture, jewelry, clocks, a collection of medals and much more will be auctioned at TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS. The auction catalog is extensive and diverse. It offers a unique range of artworks, furnishings and collectibles for every collector and lover of art and antiques. Visit us from March 24-27 for a preview of the auction. We appreciate your interest in the 16th auction of our house.

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In our directsale you will find a permanent selection of works from all periods of art history. You can purchase them immediately at a fixed price!


of the 16th Tiberius Auction

Govaert Flinck
1615 – 1660
Starting price: € 600

Brooch in the shape of a dove
Around 1900
Starting price: € 1.200

Starting price: € 4.000

Order of St. Stephen
Knight’s Cross
Starting price: € 500

Gaspare Diziani
Belluno 1689 – 1767 Venice
Starting price: € 8.000

Monumental Christ
Around 1510
Starting price: € 6.000

Friedrich König
1857 Vienna – 1941 Vienna
Starting price: € 14.000

Order of Carol I. set
Consisting of order collars with two matching breast stars
Starting price: € 3.000

Around 1515/20
Starting price: € 4.000

Masterful Corpus Christi
Starting price: € 4.000

Starting price: € 600

Juan Pablo Salinas
Madrid 1871 – 1946 Rome
Starting price: € 1.600

Small icon
Madonna with silver oklad
Starting price: € 3.000

Late Gothic panel painting
German Master
Starting price: € 2.800

Jacques Augustin Dieudonné
Paris 1795 – 1873 Paris
Starting price: € 2.000

Top cabinet
Around 1600
Starting price: € 2.600

Mariazell miraculous image
King Louis I.
Starting price: € 3.000

Gustav Gurschner
Mühldorf 1873 – 1970 Vienna
Starting price: € 400

Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Neuruppin 1781 – 1841 Berlin
Starting price: € 3.000

German master
Early 16th century
Starting price: € 600

Decanter with stopper
Execution Lobmeyr
Starting price: € 50

Monumental Black Forest clock
Around 1900
Starting price: € 500

Daniel Seghers
Antwerp 1590 – 1661 Antwerp
Starting price: € 1.500

Michael Powolny
Judenburg 1871 – 1954 Vienna
Starting price: € 600

Francesco Albani
Bologna 1578 – 1660 Bologna
Starting price: € 4.000

Baroque ceremonial jug
18th century
Starting price: € 1.600

Jan Lievens
1607 – 1674
Starting price: € 3.000

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Several times a year TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS holds art auctions.
The selective choice at our “Art, Antiques, & Design Auctions” gives you the opportunity to buy high-quality objects from a wide range of offers.

At the “No Limit Auctions” you can bid on interesting & curious items at low call prices.

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Our experts convince with their long experience and extensive knowledge in dealing with art and antiques. TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS auctions objects from antiquity to modern design. Medieval art, Old Master and 19th century paintings, Modern classics to contemporaries, sculptures of all periods and antiques from all parts of the world are our areas of expertise.

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With several generations of experience in the national and international art trade and the expertise that comes with it, we can accurately assess and value any work of art. Our worldwide contacts to museums, large collections and a multitude of public institutions give you the certainty to always achieve the best possible sales price for your artwork at TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS.

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